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What's New on Our Site!

Bookmark this page if you visit us often so you can keep up to date with our club goings-on! If an article appears on this list more than once (many are updated on a monthly basis), all links will point to the latest version. To see previous versions, follow the "archives" link when the article appears.

25 January 2001:
New Shade Gardening Article - Hardy Begonia
2001 Speaker Schedule
January and February Garden Calendars
Updated Herb Tips

31 October 2000:
New Shade Gardening Article - Chocolate Plant

17 October 2000:
Genetically modified salmon article and link to GMO shopping list in the Inside the House section

28 September 2000:
New Byways & Bar Ditches article on Plant Collecting Ethics. Also see the beautiful butterfly painted by Anita Garmon that now graces the previous B&B article on butterflies!
New Shade Gardening Article - Tovara virginiana
Updated Herb Tips
Updated Calendar

16 August 2000:
Posted a picture of beautiful Persian Shield for the Shade Gardening article

10 August 2000:

Updated Herb Tips
August Calendar
Shade Gardening article (Persian Shield)
We've put up our ad for Redenta's Garden on the Plants page. When you stop by to visit them, be sure to thank them for their support!
Read our new Creature Feature section (this month is skunks!)

29 July 2000:

Peanut Feeder article in "Critters" section
New postings on "Mystery Plants" and "Creature Feature" in Discussion Board

25 July 2000:

Shade Gardening article (Turk's Cap)

18 July 2000:

Added pictures of the Natural Urban Living Garden Show.
Strictly Natives article (Bloomers for the heat of the summer)
Updated Herb Tips
July Calendar

30 June 2000:

Added a site search engine accessible from the home page.

27 June 2000:

Added a new discussion board and guest book to the site.
Byways and Barditches (Butterflies!)

21 June 2000:

Revised entire site for easier navigation and to show off our new logo. Hope you like it!

18 June 2000:

The People of the Wildscape at Veterans Park

16 June 2000:

Shade Gardening article (Leopard Plant)
Strictly Natives article (Purple Coneflower)
Updated Herb Tips
Pictures from Florida on Member's Gardens

07 May 2000:

Shade Gardening article (Chinese Ground Orchid)
Strictly Natives article (Yellow Columbine)
May Calendar
Pictures from the April Meeting

28 April 2000:

Common Sense Guide to Growing Old Roses
Sponsors Page

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